We all see the new year as a blank slate. And with that blank slate sometimes comes the need (or pressure) to create a laundry list of goals to achieve, similar to an everyday list of tasks to complete – and by doing this, we sometimes set ourselves up to be disappointed if we don’t achieve them. This year, give yourself a break from the rigid resolution list, with a more whimsical and lighthearted approach to your resolution list, as shared in these 12 creatively illustrated inspirations by Heather at Rosehill Designs.
12 Whimsical Illustrations & Quotes for A Happier New Year For You!
Don’t wait – make your life happen, now!
Know that you have the ability…
Live your life in the moment…
Fill your life with grace and gratitude…
Have faith – and experience a new perspective…
Live the life you want…
Know that it’s OK to just STOP and take it all in…
Truly words to live by everyday of your life…
You are stronger than you think you are…
Look at how far you have come – not always how far you have to go…
Don’t let you hold yourself back…
Make 2015 YOUR magical year!
All illustrations by Heather Stillufsen of Rose Hill Designs – and all available on etsy at Rosehill Design Studio.
Our Best Wishes, Hadley Court readers, for a Gracious, Safe and Happy NEW Year!
Lynda Quintero-Davids
Leslie Hendrix Wood
Chancellor Interiors
Midland, Texas
Founder, Editor In Chief
Hadley Court
Gracious Living. Timeless Design. Family Traditions.
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